Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy dances and humiliations

So, remember how yesterday I said I was meeting my dad's ex for dinner? Turns out we're actually meeting tonight. I, of course, didn't find this out until I'd already waited for her for half an hour outside the restaurant. I'm ready this time, though I'm not as nicely dressed as I was yesterday. Ah well. Wearing a skirt two days in a row is still a little too much to ask of me.

Also, I'm glad I didn't wear a skirt today, because Ryan's got me moving and alphabetizing old digibeta tapes that they pulled from the building across the street last week. It's monotonous work, but not quite repetitive enough for me to zone out/meditate while doing it. That kind of thing is better suited to prepping time cards or applying mailing labels, like I used to do for Mom growing up.
Still, this task has its benefits. Not only have I stacked and sorted loads of tapes from Tarsem's and other directors' commercials and music videos, but there's a box in there that's just FULL of stuff from The Fall! I cannot explain how excited/happy that makes me. Yes, I've met Tarsem and actually spoken to him, but today I was actually able to hold in my hands a physical piece of my favorite movie! I did a little happy dance and squealed a bit. I'm surprised nobody noticed or said anything.

Speaking of Tarsem, yesterday he came up to my desk while I was working on my Arashi photoshop series and said "watching more sitcoms, are we?" I said no, and when he asked what it was I was doing now, I told him I was "playing around in photoshop." Interested, he came up behind me, so I showed him a little bit of what I was doing.
...I guess this is once again best summed up through my twitter post:
about 22 hours ago from web

Also, I think he said something about me having the same hair as his sister...

This isn't the first time someone here has noticed me playing in photoshop, although the other two people who I've shown have actually said more than "hmm." They both told me that I was really good, even though I protested that all I'm doing is tracing over pictures that somebody else took, then coloring them in and shading, and they said that I could charge for these... maybe I'll start offering to take commissions. I don't think I'm really good enough for that, and I make stuff for my friends for free anyway, but I guess if somebody wants to give me a photo and pay me, I can churn something out for them.

Chris out.

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